Sabtu, 03 September 2011

Batik Prints

Batik has its origins in medieval Egypt but have currently seen Asian countries as its key manufacturing centers. Within Indonesia, only members of the royal family utilized Batik art work in the old days since they presumed the styles had distinctive significance for their wearers. Despite the fact that the craft originated form Egypt, it has traveled on to other regions of the globe such as Asia and Africa. This has provided each specific batik piece with a unique and distinctive pattern or design as each region draws heavily on local religion and culture.

Batik - Hand Printing Textile

Most of the fabrics being produced today are produced in China. They are printed on a machine. There is never a mistake, maybe a flaw here and there in the fabric. Hand printed fabric is an art that has almost faded away (probably due to the time it takes to produce). Specifically it is called "Batik" or hand printing fabric with a copper stamp dipped into hot wax. It is time consuming, however unique. If you analyze each application by the artisan onto the fabric it is not the same. Therefore, beautify is created moment by moment.

Indonesia, the country where batik fabric began, continues to create beautiful hand printed textiles. For the small cottage clothing businesses this is affordable and produces exceedingly nice women's tops, pants and separates. Furthermore, textile production orders keep the traditions and artisans secure for the next generation.

Kamis, 01 September 2011

Batik - An Identity of Indonesia

Indonesia is a multicultural country which consists of thousand islands and tribes. The differences of demography and geography cause cultural differences, including the outfits worn by each tribe. Batik is one of the outfits that are quite popular, and its popularity has been known worldwide.

If you watch TV and see the President of Indonesia talking in public or in international conferences, you may see him wearing such an ethnic shirt with unique motifs. That is what so called batik, the national clothes of Indonesia citizens.

Batik Fabric Production - The Old Is New Again

Introduction If you are passionate about textiles with exotic color and texture the chances are good you have a special love for batiks. It's easy to be captivated by these stunning color-saturated marvels. While there always seems to be a place in a batik lover's stash for a new "Bali" few of us know much about the fascinating, time-honored processes that are used to make our batik fabrics. In order to discover where the batiks in our local fabric store come from, let's take a virtual trip into an Indonesian batik factory.

Batik making is an ancient art for embellishing cloth through the use of wax, (or other media that creates resist), and dyes. While batik fabric is produced in India, China, Thailand and in several African nations, it is most renowned in Indonesia and Malaysia. In these areas there are two basic processes used to produce batik fabric; Batik Tulis (hand drawn batik) and Batik Cap (stamped batik). This article will focus on the production of stamped batik.

Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009


Sejarah pembatikan di Indonesia berkait erat dengan perkembangan kerajaan Majapahit dan penyebaran ajaran Islam di Tanah Jawa.
Dalam beberapa catatan, pengembangan batik banyak dilakukan pada masa-masa kerajaan Mataram, kemudian pada masa kerjaan Solo dan Yogyakarta.

Jadi kesenian batik ini di Indonesia telah dikenal sejak zaman kerjaan Majapahit dan terus berkembang kepada kerajaan dan raja-raja berikutnya. Adapun mulai meluasnya kesenian batik ini menjadi milik ra
kyat Indonesia dan khususnya suku Jawa ialah setelah akhir abad ke-XVIII atau awal abad ke-XIX. Batik yang dihasilkan ialah semuanya batik tulis sampai awal abad ke-XX dan batik cap dikenal baru setelah perang dunia kesatu habis atau sekitar tahun 1920. Adapun kaitan dengan penyebaran ajaran Islam. Banyak daerah-daerah pusat perbatikan di Jawa adalah daerah-daerah santri dan kemudian Batik menjadi alat perjaungan ekonomi oleh tokoh-tokoh pedangan Muslim melawan perekonomian Belanda.

Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009


Perkembangan batik pada masa sekarang cukup menggembirakan, hal ini berdampak positif bagi produsen batik-batik di berbagai daerah. Permintaan batik tulis maupun batik cap sangat tinggi sekali, walaupun kebutuhan pasar batik tersebut sebagian sudah dipenuhi dengan tekstil bermotif batik yang diproduksi oleh perusahaan-perusahaan tekstil yang bermodal besar. Beberapa pengrajin batik menghendaki untuk pembayaran di muka agar produksinya bisa lancar dan pembeli akan segera menerima pesanan yang diminta, hal ini mengingatkan pada masa tahun 70-an dimana pada waktu itu batik juga mengalami permintaan yang cukup lumayan jumlahnya.


Berikut adalah tips memilih baju batik. Tidak di pungkiri sebagai salah satu warisan budaya bangsa.Batik / baju batik kini menjadi busana resmi yang kian digandrungi oleh masyarakat indonesia. Jenisnya pun bervariasi, mulai batik tulis yang menggunakan canting hingga baju batik motif dengan cetakan mesin (print) turut dijajakan di pasaran. Agar anda bisa membedakan mana yang sesuai dengan selera anda, ada baiknya jika mengikuti tips tentang desain busana batik berikut ini :